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Noah Volin

Hey, I am Noah Volin (he/him) and I have been making art at Durham School of the Arts since 6th grade! I have been making art for as long as I can remember but really found my passions lay in 3D sculpture in 8th grade in my first 3D class at DSA. I love looking back at seeing what I have created and how I began to deviate from the project and make it my own as I got more confident in my creative abilities. I am most inspired by found objects, nature, and mixed media. I find value in art that has immense meaning and that means absolutely nothing; both can be seen in my pieces in this showcase. My interest in art led me to apply and be accepted to the highly selective Governor’s School of North Carolina for visual arts for the 2020 term which was cancelled due to COVID, but it has only strengthened my connection to art and how I will continue to approach it in the future.


tree of life - 11th

IMG_0063.jpg both.jpg
%22Tree of Life%22 both junior.jpg

figure encaged - 10th

%22figure encaged%22 favorite sophomore.

leaf lamp - 11th

%22Leaf Lamp%22  favorite junior.jpg

self portrait - 11th

IMG_0081.jpg yes also this one.jpg
%22self portrait%22 yes this one junior.

ocean box - 11th

silent wind chime - 12th

clay vessel - 9th

%22ocean box%22 favorite junior.jpg
%22silent wind chime%22  favorite senior
%22clay vessel%22 favorite freshman.jpg

swarm - 9th

%22swarm%22 favorite freshman.jpg

repetition - 11th

%22repetition%22  favorite junior.jpg

creepy crawler - 10th

%22creepy crawler%22 favorite sophomore.

Noah will attend the University of Michigan in the fall

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