Elayna Steckly
As someone who has never been the best with words, art has always been a good way for me to get my ideas and thoughts out into the world. 3D art holds so much potential and variation to me. Whether purely for expression, or making everyday things a bit fancier, it is such a big part of the world. I love finding ways to take everyday things and making them in a more artistic way, though I’m never opposed to making things solely for expression with no practical use. During my 7 years at DSA I have learned more ways to share the things bouncing around in my head. I have come to love 3D art and I have met some amazing people. I look forward to taking what I learned and continuing to make my world a bit more artistic, one piece at a time.
Have a wonderful and creative day!
Elayna Steckly (she/her)

phoenix mask - 8th
viking ship - 10th
fairy pitcher - 9th
little cottage - 9th
steampunk plague doctor - 11th
water spirit mask - 12th
medieval-inspired garb - 12th
skeletal mask - 12th
night ocean dress - 12th
rustic mountain cabin - 12th